"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us in backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations." --Anias Nin

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Goodbyes, Good-to-see-yous, and a good day for fungus.

A bit of sadness came my family’s way last week, on the morning of September 9th my grandmother passed away. The ache that comes with losing her is tempered by the happy thought that she’s finally back her much-loved husband and all of her siblings.

My mother decided "I'll Fly Away" was well suited to
Grandma's passing, and I wholeheartedly agree.

I won’t go into the details of the past week as grief and mourning are rather private affairs, but I will say I’m very grateful I was able to come home for as long as I did and spend it with those I love the most. In sadness, we found happiness and laughter remembering the woman that was the centerpiece of our family for so long. She, and the others gone before her, will be missed.

After nearly a week in Kansas, it was time to head back to the north country.  I broke up the drive back to WI by staying in Des Moines for the night and then drove into PdC early Friday afternoon…just in time for work! Emails and projects that needed catching up, filling everyone in on the past week, all those are important things…but let’s be honest, the MOST important thing was to get on the trails and see what had happened in the woods and prairies while I was away!!

And something HAD happened.

                               Something had happened all over the place.

                                                                                                  Something big.

Recreated discovery of two of the dozens of puffballs currently
in existence in Pikes Peak.

GIANT puffballs!

Yes, that's me, sans makeup and fresh off of a two-day drive holding
two giant puffballs taken from the park. 

I don’t have pictures from the hawk migrations, but that’s been happening, too!

Fall has most definitely arrived in the Driftless. All that’s left for this girl to do is to visit the apple orchards, think of a killer Halloween costume, roast some squash, and kick back and watch the leaves turn color.

Take your time November, take your time.

Section of the old white pine plantation in the park.  Creepy at first, then
very very peaceful.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Photo Blog (probably the first of many)

Ah, life is good.

I thought I would be super bummed when the hot days of summer began to fade, but instead I find myself anxious for autumn in the Driftless. While I’m not a fan of the shorter days, I love seeing the first leaves begin to turn (cottonwoods and silver maples are just beginning to go yellow, but the real show won’t begin until late September). I’ve start reminiscing about cold, clear mornings at the park with a hot mug of coffee in hand walking out to the peak to watch for broad-winged hawks migrating down the river. Raptors, fall leaves, and apple orchards are just hard to beat.

But all that is still a ways off, so I’ll have to continue to wait before getting my pretty leaves/apple cider/apple donut/cranberry wine fix. Things have been rather quiet around here and I haven’t gone on too many adventures this month. However, that is no excuse for neglecting “the blog.” Since I don’t really have any epic stories to share, this post will read more like a scrapbook. With lots and lots of pretty pictures :)

First up, a few of the reasons why I love foggy mornings at the park!

The lower overlook at Pikes Peak

Along the boardwalk trail to Bridal Veil Falls

The top of the Falls looking down

Joyful exuberance

So I lied, I DID go on a few mini-advenures, like a trip to Yellow River State Forest

It's very pretty (and rugged!) there, too!

Larkin's Overlook

Tiger Swallowtail and Bull Thistle

I think they should put a '?' on there, because what if you
don't want to ever leave?

And last, but not least, I went camping!  All by myself!

My cozy little tent.  This particular campsite comes complete with
private access to the Deer Ridge Trail.

My tasty vegetarian dinner of vegan tacos and "zesty" bean and cheese dip (not pictured).  Also
not pictured is the ethnography on the Kaatan Indians of the Andes I've been reading. 
Once an anthropologist,
always an anthropologist.


This is amazing to wake up to.
Not bad.  Not bad at all.