I've done the ol' copy and paste of a summary of my first week out of graduate school:
Day One: Actually did sunrise salutations with the sunrise! I tramped (well, more like skipped) out to the edge of the open meadow that is my uncle's backyard and lay down my mat. I only know a little yoga, and my bare feet quickly got cold, but there was a moment standing there with my arms outstretched feeling the warmth of the sun beat away the chill of the morning and settle on my face; I felt my heart finally quiet and before I knew it I was smiling with my eyes closed, face first into sunshine. Sadly, it's been awhile since a moment of peace like that has found my way into its life, so long in fact that I didn't know how to react and suddenly felt selfish for trying to make such a moment last. So I did what I also do when I feel on the verge of overwhelming happiness - I opened my eyes and found something else to do. Besides, I can hear the rooster crowing from the coop letting me know the chickens are up and ready to come outside, too. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to let myself linger a little while longer in the sunrise.
Reenactment of joyous moment in a Kansas sunrise |
I was thinking on this as I ate my breakfast of a fried egg sandwich (from eggs collected last night) and coffee on the deck, watching an Eastern wood pee-wee eye me suspiciously. I love lingering over breakfast, but there always comes a time when I have to sigh, and say to myself, 'Okay Em, you have things that need doing, let's go,' and then I launch myself into classes, reading, studying, errands, and the all around business of keeping my life together. As I leaned on the railing of the deck, mug in hand with the last swallow of coffee, the familiar sigh and thoughts of *getting a move on* came into my head and I turned to get my plate to head inside to do...what? TO DO WHAT?
I have nothing that needs doing.
Panic set in, the same panic I felt after my Sublime Sunrise moment of peace and happiness. Keep breathing, chores will come to you. Okay, I have laundry to do, I want to walk around the property...and I'll need groceries, and I told my parents I'd go over to Hutch this afternoon. Whew, okay. Calm returns.
Am I now incapable of having a day of doing nothing? Have I lost the ability to sit and stare out across a meadow with no other thought besides "Gosh that's pretty," in my head? I don't think so. I think I'm just rusty at it, so I'll apply myself to relearning this skill with the same dedication that I applied to my classes. My goal for this week: Spend one entire day doing nothing.
Day Three: Goal of doing nothing not going well. BUT, the somethings that I am doing are just happiness-inducing. I met up with my mom for lunch in Newton at the Prairie Harvest. It has to be one of my favorite places to eat and shop for edible goodies! Check out my haul:
Yummies in my tummy |
Turns out the rest of the week I spent out there was a blissful blur of fresh eggs, good books, a sunburn, daily battles with a rooster (and the lingering beak-shaped scar on my foot to prove it) and several naps. I spent another week in Kansas after my house-sitting gig was up...then it was off to the Driftless.
The view from Hanging Rock at Effigy Mounds National Monument, which is one of my favorite haunts... |
Next installment: Life in the Driftless...an abbreviated version.
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