"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us in backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations." --Anias Nin

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How I Got My (Driftless) Groove Back

You know those rare moments when you get so overwhelmed with happiness that you’re grinning by yourself in the car and it’s almost hard to breathe? I have whole days like that. Days where I’m boggled at how easy my heart beats, how much I laugh during the day, and how much I just want to hug everyone I work with/live with/see on the street.

Just try to be sad or angry while sitting on this bench by a grove of white oaks.

I don’t want any of this to sound like grad school was some doom-and-gloom death trap where no joy was permitted. I loved grad school. Well…most of it. 99.9% of it I loved. I had an amazing advisor, even more amazing and hilarious friends. I loved Columbia and find myself almost homesick for it already. I miss being a part of life there. But it’s taken me a long time to finally admit this to myself, and I’ve made my peace with it, so I’m ready to say it to the vast, faceless-yet-full-of-faces grapevine that is the internet: I do not want to spend my life in academia.


I’m proud of what I accomplished in grad school. I’m still in love with my thesis, and I still really want to go back to Alberta as soon as possible. But conservation of our beautiful planet and responsible living are some of the few ideals I still cling to, and I never felt like I was making a difference while sitting in a classroom or at my desk for 14 hours a day. Out in the real world, I can talk to people, I can be goofy and enthusiastic without fear of being labeled “intellectually inferior.” When I make people try to call the barred owls with me, I feel like maybe I helped them like the outdoors a little bit more than they did before, and maybe more willing to recycle, or drive less, or even just seek out new places. Sure this is what my job was before grad school, but I wasn't as passionate about it then as I think I am now.  Now, I just have a bit more knowledge to back up my claims that bats are good and garlic mustard is bad. Now, I have a much better explanatory framework to transmit knowledge to both kin and nonkin!

It’s hard to have a bad day up here. Long days, yes. Tiring days, you bet. But there’s not a part of my day that I don’t like. Morning stroll to the river, the pretty drive to “work,” the people I work with and work for, coming home to a swarm of kids and dogs…

But I digress. This post is finally getting to the point of all this incessant typing: Re-learning what it is to live. Recently, I’ve gone a streak of adventures, some of which were captured on my camera.

All I wanted from last Saturday was nutritional yeast. Because I want to make this and this. So I had to go up to Gays Mills, where Google told me there was a natural foods store.. Adventure Buddy was also going to be in town and with very little arm-twisting he signed up to drive there. On the way, we saw a sign for Pick-Your-Own strawberries and before I could even say “Look! Pick your own berries!” he had already pulled into the gravel parking lot and was halfway up to the door. Sixty seconds later we were picking strawberries. I. Was. Giddy. And all that giddiness turned into pure picking energy, and I hauled out 4.5 pounds of strawberries :-) Half are still frozen, the other half made a quite delicious strawberry preserve-ish topping for toast this past week…

Me and my haul

After strawberry-picking it was off to Kickapoo Exchange, my new favorite store! Sure it doesn’t have the wide selection I had grown accustomed to in CoMO, but it had everything I was looking for in bulk bins! I also picked up a box of gluten-free brownie mix for Wonderful Cousin (update, she added in some chocolate chips AND chocolate frosting! Pretty darn tasty).

As we left town, we happened to see a sign pointing in the direction of Solar Village. Since we had never heard of such a thing, or even know what it could even be, we did what any other rational person would do. We typed it in to the GPS and went searching for it. A few detours later, we found it! I was so excited to have stumbled upon this little corner of green energy paradise!

If you look closely, you can see Little Adventure Buddy and me standing in the
middle of Solar Village in Soldiers Grove, WI

After Solar Village we decided to see what else was to be found. And what did we find? We found Crazy Frank’s, who sells things “for peanuts.” It was almost like a fancy, permanent flea market. Aisles and aisles of strange, outdated, or preposterous items. Ronald Reagan army knife, anyone? Or how about a the New Testament on cassette tape? Barbeque sauce packets?  Strange.

We made it back into town and went to a new Mexican restaurant. After dinner, I was informed there was one more surprise for the day. And what a surprise! Something I can cross off my bucket list!! Go-karts. Sadly, no pictures of the look of pure joy on my face as I tried (and failed) to beat Adventure Buddy/Reckless Driver.

Sunday was mainly spent on the river. Do I even have to say anything about this?

Wonderful Cousin and Redhead on the river

This past week and weekend has been a blur of park adventures (more gator-cruising and berry-picking…and almost hitting a black rat snake that was chilling on one of the trails), getting back into vegan cooking, and toss in a campfire in the country with s’mores, firefly-chasing, and fireworks. Today Adventure Buddy and I hiked up to the Marching Bear mound group in the South Unit of Effigy Mounds and had a little picnic in between the two thunderbird mounds. The topic of conversation? Losing and regaining faith. Very appropriate, I thought.

This week, I’m off to help monitor some flooding rivers and their levees on the other side of Iowa. Adventure report will follow.

*I have to do a plug for Hawk Boss, who inspired the title of this blog (though I suppose it can also be considered a shout-out to Stella and her groove). Hawk Boss's, Big Blue Sky is responsible for some amazing tunes that usually become the soundtracks to my summers up in the Driftless.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

Your life sounds so amazing right now. Its exactly what you deserve <3